Here you will find sample Safe Community policy, procedures, codes of conduct and implementation resources along with some helpful weblinks to government and other companies.
The Resources on our website combine to build what we call a Safe Community Framework which is designed to ensure that all persons associated with your organisation fulfil their:
a. ethical
b. legal and
c. organisational obligations
The combined resources ‘Framework’
a. includes policy, procedures, codes of conduct and implementation resources,
b. takes into account the 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations 2018 and other relevant legislation (see appendix),
c. forms part of organisational operational documentation, and
d. is to be implemented by all workers (paid and volunteer) of the organisation, acknowledging that safety is a shared responsibility.
SMR also partners with in projects for the prevention of harm to children and vulnerable people.
Please click through to each section of the Resources

Safe Ministry Resources can also provide customisation services to your organisation for the implementation of the Safe Community Framework.
The Safe Ministry/Community Framework is developed and owned by Safe Ministry Resources Pty Ltd. It is freely available to organisations to use and adapt with permission. Please contact us at [email protected] to seek permission.
Disclaimer: These publications are not legal advice. The ideas and procedures herein are based on nationally recognised good practice advice and have been written with due regard to Australian legislation March 2020. Legal advice may need to be sought when responding to individual incidents.