Seeking help and or financial redress as a survivor or clergy and or church worker abuse can be daunting.
CSC is committed to helping survivors of abuse find a pathway toward help that is best for each individual.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual abuse provided recommendations for both civil litigation and redress.
Civil Litigation In the civil litigation pathway, survivors should be aware of the changes in the law in their state or territory. We encourage lawyers to be trauma-aware and restoration-focused in their working with survivors in civil claims.
The National Redress Scheme The NRS is available for those sexually abused as children, who were abused prior to the scheme’s commencement in 2018.
Pastoral Care & Assistance Schemes Some of CSC’s clients offer a non-litigated redress pathway through their own scheme. CSC provides process support to people who are seeking redress for abuse by church workers in the Anglican Dioceses of Bathurst, Northern Territory and Canberra & Goulburn, as well as the Church Missionary Society (CMS). This includes assistance with the application process, arranging Diocesan funded counselling and arranging the Direct Personal Response with the church.
Call 1800 070 511 for more information
If you have experienced childhood trauma, you can speak with a Blue Knot Helpline trauma counsellor for support including assistance with applications for the NRS.
Bravehearts provides specialist child sexual assault and exploitation counselling and support services.
Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) is a national, independent, peak membership body which represents, supports and advocates for people who were raised in Australian and New Zealand Orphanages, Children’s Homes & Foster Care.
A not-for-profit organisation that employs qualified staff who have experience working with male survivors of abuse, providing ongoing planned support. SAMSN also facilitates support groups and workshops for men, their families, and supporters. Peer support is also offered, providing the opportunity to communicate with another survivor who also has direct experience of SAMSN services.

Disclaimer: These publications are not legal advice. The ideas and procedures herein are based on nationally recognised good practice advice and have been written with due regard to Australian legislation March 2020. Legal advice may need to be sought when responding to individual incidents.