Creating Safer Communities (CSC)
CSC, (formerly SMR) was established in 2007 to provide services to churches in areas of:
- PREVENTION of harm and abuse (Safe Church and Child Protection) education and policy development
- RESPONSE to abuse and misconduct via our first responder 1800 070 511 Helpline
- RECOVERY from abuse, facilitating redress processes and providing advice on risk management of persons of concern in churches
CSC also partners with in projects for the prevention of harm to children and vulnerable people, including the development of the Anglican Safe Ministry Edition of ChildSafe’s Safety Management Online.
In 2020 CSC commenced provision of services to Community and Sporting groups through our trading name Safe Community Resources (SCR).

Peter Barnett
Since 2004 Peter has been involved in the areas of prevention of, and response to, abuse and misconduct in Christian organisations.
During the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Peter worked closely with the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) to develop their guidelines and systems for Safer Churches and provided evidence to the Commission to demonstrate the changes implemented by the ACC with SMR’s resources.
Peter’s current roles include the Director of Professional Standards for the Anglican Dioceses of Canberra & Goulburn and Bathurst and also with the Anglican Diocese of the Northern Territory, Defence Force Anglican Chaplains, International Network of Churches (INC) and the Church Missionary Society (CMS).
Prior to 2004 Peter served as a children’s and worship pastor and primary school teacher.
Josie Barnett
Survivor Process Support & SMR Administration
Josie’s primary role is to assist survivors of clergy and church worker abuse, supporting them as they navigate church processes for redress, including arranging counselling support, preparation of financial redress and arranging direct personal responses.
Josie is also the administration officer for the company and has a background in legal secretarial and education.

Belinda Townsend
Helpline & Training Coordinator
Since 2009 Belinda has presented church-based Safe Church (including Child Protection) face-to-face training, cross-denominationally. Belinda also supports users participating in our eTraining online.
As the Helpline Coordinator Belinda assists churches with their initial response to concerns about abuse and misconduct in the church, including reporting to police and government Child Protection agencies, and providing pastoral and risk management advice. Her role is also to report back to our clients about the calls received on the Helpline, to ensure transparent and accountable practice.
Belinda has a background in early childhood education and training.

Debbie Purdy
Response Worker
Debbie commenced work for SMR in 2019 as our response work assistant, providing administrative support in Anglican Professional Standards, working on survivor care and operating our Helpline.
This is a new role for Debbie as our company grows in our response to complaints work to support organisations in providing just and compassionate responses to those effected by incidents of abuse and misconduct.
Debbie has a background in early childhood education and working in a women’s refuge as a child support worker for women and children escaping domestic violence.

Celia Irving
Prevention Consultant
Celia and Peter have been working together in Safe Church prevention education, cross-denominationally, since 2005.
Celia provides consultancy in the area of curriculum development and the writing of policy and procedure, through her company CMI Vocational Training.
Celia has been involved in lay ministry to children and young people and has served on her local church council.
Within the broader church community, Celia has been involved in developing and delivering training in the Safe Ministry field since 2002, and at an Anglican Diocesan level in the area of Professional Standards from 2010 to 2018.

Safe Ministry Resources can also provide customisation services to your organisation for the implementation of the Safe Community Framework.
The Safe Ministry/Community Framework is developed and owned by Safe Ministry Resources Pty Ltd. It is freely available to organisations to use and adapt with permission. Please contact us at [email protected] to seek permission.
Disclaimer: These publications are not legal advice. The ideas and procedures herein are based on nationally recognised good practice advice and have been written with due regard to Australian legislation March 2020. Legal advice may need to be sought when responding to individual incidents.