CSC has over 20 years of experience in implementation of
Safe Ministry / Safe Church training
CSC has provided training in all states and territories of Australia and to the following faith based groups; Australian Christian Churches, Anglicans, Baptists, Brethren, Christian Venues, Churches of Christ, Four Square Church, Hillsong, INC (International Network of Churches), Power to Change, Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventists, and the Uniting Church.
Safe Ministry training aims to assist church workers in understanding their pastoral, organisational, legal and risk management responsibilities towards reducing the instances of ministry misconduct, abuse, and duty of care and/or safety failures, and to provide churches with general good practice advice for Safe Ministry.
This training includes basic child protection training to assist our clients with the implementation of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, including: Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness needed to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
CSC recognises that training does not ensure Safe Ministry, but that this will be achieved through the implementation of robust policy, procedures and through safe ministry interactions.
Safe Ministry Training for Teen Helpers
This is a 1 hour, locally facilitated (NOT online) course, aimed at providing your “teen helpers” (aged 12-17 years) with a basic induction into the core concepts of Safe Ministry. It includes downloadable videos, a facilitator’s guide, and participants handouts.

Disclaimer: These publications are not legal advice. The ideas and procedures herein are based on nationally recognised good practice advice and have been written with due regard to Australian legislation March 2020. Legal advice may need to be sought when responding to individual incidents.