These implementation forms and templates complement the Safe Ministry Resources policies and procedures.
The forms and templates may be downloaded for free.
If you wish to modify these forms/templates for your organisation, please contact SMR to seek permission.
Safe Ministry implementation checklist
Safe Ministry policy & procedure implementation & review schedule
Safe Ministry officer/team role description
Responsibilities in relation to reportable employee conduct schemes
Health & safety officer/team role description
Ministry coordinator/program leader role description
Management group member role description
Screening check questionnaire for paid staff/governance board members
Staff & governance board interview questions
Screening declaration volunteer workers
Volunteer interview questions
Ministry review
Site safety expectations poster
for contractors & guests (for all occasions)
Approval for programs/events
Participant information form (sample)
Children’s feedback form (sample)
Parents/caregivers feedback form (sample)
Guidelines for use of electronic communication
Safe Ministry concerns record
Workplace health & safety policy (sample)
Workplace health & safety information
Health & safety information
Hazard identification form (sample)
Site safety checklist (sample)
Food preparation & storage practices
Risk management guide
Risk assessment template
Critical incident response plan
Accident & incident report

Disclaimer: These publications are not legal advice. The ideas and procedures herein are based on nationally recognised good practice advice and have been written with due regard to Australian legislation March 2020. Legal advice may need to be sought when responding to individual incidents.